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Creative Works/Fees




Magazine Advertising Rates (includes print and digital editions)


Display Ad Rates

1x  3x   6x  12x


Black & White















2/3 PAGE

 Black & White
















 Black & White
















 Black & White















1/3 PAGE


 Black & White















1/4 PAGE 

Black & White
















 Black & White















1/8 PAGE

 Black & White















Premium Positions





 Inside Front Cover (Four-color)





 Inside Back Cover (Four-color)





 Back Cover (Four-color)





 Two Page Spread (Four-color)





 Half Page Spread  (Four-color)






All premium positions are on a first-come, first-served basis. Premium position and spread pricing is for four-color.


Premium position pricing for the Researcher Sources, Books,TMT,etc.. differs. Specific page placement within the magazine is also available at a premium. Contact TMT advertising sales department for details.

Discounts and Payment


• A 15% discount on space and color will be earned on display ads for electronic files submitted within our specifications. Gross rate will apply to ads which need alterations or reformatting. (see ad specifications for acceptable formats).


• Net due within 30 days of billing to receive discount.


• Ad creation services available


• New advertisers will be required to prepay for their first two ads upfront.


• Ad creation services available

General Rate Policy


Frequency discounts are available and are based on the number of insertions run within a 12-month period from the date of first insertion. Any advertiser who does not fulfill a contract will be subject to short rates.


Ad contracts may be cancelled provided notice is given before the closing date. Credits and rebates are earned by increasing frequency during a contract. Orders subject to rate change upon 90 days notice from publisher.


• Publisher reserves the right to hold the advertising agency and the advertiser jointly and severally liable for payments due the publisher. In the event that an advertiser has paid the agency, the advertiser is fully responsible for paying all invoices due the publisher.


• Advertising rates, terms and conditions set forth in this rate card shall govern all transactions and supersede any other information published in previous rate cards, directories, media guides or rate and data services. Uniform rates apply to all advertisers at all times.


• Neither the advertiser nor its agency may cancel advertising after the issue closing date. When change of copy is not received by closing date, copy furnished or run in previous issue will be printed.


• The publisher shall not be subject to any liability whatsoever for any failure to publish or circulate all or any part of any issue due to strikes, work stoppages, accidents, fires, acts of God, or any circumstance not within the control of the publisher.


• In the event of an error in the printing of a display advertisement, the publisher will re-run the correct version of the same ad material in the next available issue published.


• Publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the advertisement’s space.


• Publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” to or reject advertising that simulates editorial.  


What Our Advertisers Are Saying:

"We appreciate the fact that you offer an affordable way for companies to market and list themselves."

“I am advertising with TMT " This Month Texas "  exclusively from this day forward.”

“ TMT : This Month Texas is our primary and preferred advertising resource.  You are #1 without a doubt!”“I am a big fan of your magazine.”

"The Source Book Magazine keeps paying off."

“During my 27 years in the research industry I have been a believer in your publication. My experience has been that up to 75% of RFPs have come through everytime.”

“We really value TMT " This Month Texas ”

"I have always had a high ROI on the ad dollars I spend with TMT ."


Th Month Texas  is mentioned by our prospects more than any other source”

"We are focusing more marketing efforts into fewer areas -- only those that have a return on investment and our clients always mention they saw us in TMT "


What Our Readers Are Saying:

“I enjoy getting TMT both via e-mail and snail mail.”

“I like the electronic issue.  I actually glance at a few things as soon as I receive it.  Then when I receive the paper copy, I read it cover to cover.” TMT  Rocks!


I use it to stay current on all research topics.”

"Great E-newsletter; keep up the good work!"

"I love your magazine and e-newsletter"

"TMT ; This Monmth Texas is a must read."


" TMT  is always a must read, thanks for keeping the industry fresh.”

“As a senior researcher I have really enjoyed TMT " This Month Texas " I’m looking forward to accessing it online.”

“Love getting the hard copy of your magazine still.”

“Thanks for what TMT does for the market research industry. “

“Love what you do in your magazine.”


Market Research Articles



Online Advertising Placement and Pricing is the premier site for the market research industry, averaging more than 85,000 visitors per month and more than 250,000 page impressions. The extensive and high-quality resources attract users who conduct, coordinate and purchase marketing research. Banner and button advertising give you the opportunity to capitalize on that traffic and increase the frequency of messaging.


By integrating


Web advertising into your marketing or lead-generation campaign, you extend your brand exposure to a highly targeted audience of marketing research professionals.


Ad Types and Positions


www.thismonthtexas offers several ad formats and numerous targeted page locations. Consult your regional TMT sales representative for a complete list of online opportunities and specific audience counts and targeting.


Top/Bottom Banner Ad: 


This placement is available as a shared space on any TMT Web page. Up to five advertisers rotate randomly between the top and bottom position on a page, displaying each banner ad to 40% of the viewing traffic (20% in the top position and 20% in the bottom position). Advertisers also have the option of buying additional views, if available.


Side Box Ad: 


Want a large, prominent ad but also want it to appear to 100% of all page visitors? A side box ad is the perfect option.


Side ads randomly change position with each visit (or page refresh) but are always visible to every viewer of the page.


Most pages have no more than four side ads, meaning you are in the top position 25% of the time.


Unique Page Placement


Niche Topic Pages: Let potential customers know you are a leader in a given niche by advertising in one of our new micro niche pages.


When you run an ad in a given niche your ad will appear when a user searches our SourceBook directory of research companies for suppliers specializing in that specific topic.


In addition, it will appear whenever a user conducts the same search in our article section. As an added bonus, your ad will appear on the related subtopic micro pages.

City, State and Country Directory Results Pages: 


In addition to the niche topic advertising positions, you now also have the option of advertising whenever a user searches our directories for a specific city, state or country. By geo-targeting your ad you reach a highly specified audience that is ready to purchase, at a fraction of broader advertising placements.


Additional Page placements are also available.


Free Design Service for Online Ads


In order to make online advertising as easy as possible, we offer all advertisers free design of online ads.


Our designers can make your ad coordinate with your brand image and Web site. Simply supply us with your ad copy, your Web address and any other graphics you want incorporated and our designers will do the rest.


Online Advertising Pricing


Pricing is for an advertisement 
on one page for six-months


10% discount given for a one-year contract


Banner Ad

Side Box Ad

Dimensions in pixels

728w X 90h

300w X 250h


Percent of  page visitors for which ad is displayed




Time period included in price



 Home Page



 Any Single Directory Page



 Any Single Niche Topic Page



City, state, Country Directory Result Page

$250 to $450*

$250 to $450±

 All Other Single Pages




10% discount given for a one-year contract on all Web ad placements.


* The top/bottom banner space on select pages is shared by up to five advertisers unless otherwise contracted. The price quoted for the top/ bottom banner is for 20% of the rotation (1 of 5). You can purchase additional rotations if available.


** The top/bottom banner space on niche topic pages are shared by just two advertisers unless otherwise contracted. The price quoted for the top/ bottom banner is for 50% of the rotation in the top position and 50% in the bottom position.


± Side box ads jumble positions (from top to bottom) with the other side ads on the same page but the ads appear to 100% of all page views.

Premium Web Advertising Positions


 Run-of-Site Top Button

1 Month

2 months

195w X 90h
100% of all site views




Home Page Middle Banner

1 Month

2 months

728w X 90h
100% of page views



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This Month Texas Magazine 

3549 Grapevine Mills Highway,




Copy Rights 2016 

This Month Texas LLC

License Texas, USA

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